MY Death Fest 1.0 – Event Highlights (5 min)
‘Funeral Rituals of Different Religions and Cultures’
Speaker: Ven. Jue Qian, Dr. Yam Kah Kean, Pastor Chew Kean Kee, & Mr Syafiq Raffiqin Liow Bin Liow For Sen
Moderator: Mr Lim Gim Sim
11 Talks & Sharings (MASTER)
‘The Origin of Death Fest in Hong Kong’
Mr Arnold LEUNG
(Founder of Death Fest Hong Kong)
‘Body Donation: Giving Life Lesson After Death’
Professor Chin Kin Fah
‘Caring for Pediatric Patients at The End of Life’
Dr Lee Chee Chan
‘My Final Wish List’
Jason Yeoh, TV Producer & Host
‘Mindfulness in Grief: Facing Chaos in the Eye of the Storm’
Dr Eric Kwong Djee CHAN
PhD, MA (Life & Death Studies), MD
‘The Meaning of Personalized Funeral’
Mr Tan Yung Hong
‘Filmmaking as Mourning and Recognition in Loss’
Saw Teong Hin, Film Director