[Appointments for Qing Ming Visitations at Xiao En Memorial Park, Nilai, Starts Today]
As Covid-19 continues to remain present, Xiao En will maintain its booking system for Qing Ming Festival this year, in line with the government’s epidemic prevention measures for crowd control management.
Family members will need to book an appointment online with their name before visiting the park. Appointments must be made 24 hours prior to date of visitation. A confirmation email will be sent to you immediately once booking is complete.
Rest assured, the park has set #epidemicsafety measures in accordance to Ministry of Health guidelines. We thank you for your cooperation in fighting the spread of Covid-19.
Xiao En’s utmost priority is to protect your health, so that everyone can pay their respects safely.
Please refer to the following #QingMing standard operating procedures for epidemic prevention and click the link to book an appointment

【Qing Ming 2022 Remembrance Service Package 】
If you wish to express your love to the departed, Xiao En has prepared a special 【Qing Ming 2022 Remembrance Service package】 to assist you in commemorating the faithful departed.
This service is open for subscription from now until 5pm on 31 March 2022. To purchase please log on to https://xiao-en.com/product/qing-ming-remembrance-service-2022 or contact service hotline +6012-2387040