Final Affairs Organising: The Importance of Decluttering and Tidying Up
As we age and approach the end of our lives, it’s important to think about the decisions we want to make about how we want to be remembered and what we want to leave behind. Along with the emotional aspects of this transition, there are also practical considerations that must be taken into account.
Material organisation is a crucial aspect of organising your final affairs. There are a few categories under this, which includes organising our possessions, financial matters, social media accounts, medical decisions (be it medical treatment or assisted living), and funeral arrangements. By taking these steps, we can ensure that our affairs are in order and our wishes are respected as much as possible. Here are the general things to focus on for each category:

Item organisation is a good place to start. Take a look at the items you own and discard anything that is no longer needed or used. This process of decluttering will not only lighten your load but also make it easier for your loved ones to sort through your belongings after you pass away. Additionally, by developing the habit of organizing your room and keeping things tidy, you can reduce stress and improve your quality of life.
Financial organisation is also important. Discuss your insurance coverage, account passwords, and other financial matters with someone you trust. This way, your family won’t be left in the dark if something happens to you or when you’ve passed on.

Social media organisation is also a key aspect of end-of-life decisions, whether it is choosing to deactivate or transferring the management of your social media accounts to someone you trust. This way, your legacy can be preserved, and the people you love will be able to remember you the way you want to be remembered.
Medical organisation is another important aspect to consider. At the end of life, you should choose the medical treatment or assisted living method you want in the event you are unable to speak for yourself, whether it be a specific surgical procedure, hospice care, palliative care, or something else. This way, your loved ones won’t have to make this decision for you (or at the very least, they will have an easier time making those decisions).

Finally, funeral arrangements should also be planned. Consider how you want to say goodbye to the world and plan your “graduation ceremony” from life. This could include a funeral, memorial service, or scattering of ashes, and should reflect your personal beliefs and values.
In addition to material organization, personal organization is also important. Some people may find this more difficult to address due the emotional aspect it involves. Nevertheless, we must address it if we are to have a clear conscience and peace of mind. Here are 5 important things to remember:
Live for yourself
Remember that your life is yours to live. It doesn’t mean living selfishly to the detriment of others, but it’s about making decisions that bring you joy and fulfilment.

Leave no word unspoken
If there are things you find difficult to express or too embarrassed to say in person, then write it down in a letter. This can be a cathartic and healing exercise, allowing you to express your true feelings without fear of judgment.
Share concerns
If you fall ill, don’t hide your condition from those you love. You may be trying to spare your loved ones from worry, but ultimately it is easier to approach difficulties in life with those you trust. Share your feelings, fears, and thoughts with them. This will help you process the experience and strengthen your relationships.

Make the best use of things you’ve purchased. Don’t hold onto material possessions that no longer serve a purpose in your life. Instead, use them to create positive memories and experiences.
Create memories
We came into this world with nothing, and we will leave it with nothing. The only thing we bring with us are the memories we’ve created. So make good memories with the people around you. Spend time with loved ones and make meaningful relationships that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, organizing your final affairs is a crucial step in preparing for the inevitable. By decluttering, tidying up, and making plans for our possessions, financial matters, social media accounts, medical decisions, and funeral arrangements, we can ensure that our wishes are respected and our legacy is preserved.
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