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Oneworld Hanxin College Students’ Real-Life Study: Exploring Life and Death

Oneworld Hanxin College Students’ Real-Life Study: Exploring Life and Death

As February nears its end and Qing Ming Festival approaches, Oneworld Hanxin College students embarked on an immersive learning journey through cemeteries and funeral service centre.

From the perspective of honoring the departed and cherishing the memory of ancestors, as well as engaging in frontline work that contributes to a fulfilled life, the study of thanatology (Introduction To Life and Death Studies) gains additional practical understanding and reflection.

” This experience made me rethink life and death.”
” The focus isn’t about not fearing death.”
” It’s about how to face it and how to live without regrets.”
” The cremation process left a deep impression—within hours, everything turns to ashes.”
” When feeling troubled, perhaps visiting a crematorium can be a reminder not to live too persistently.”
” Facing death helps us reconcile with ourselves.”
” Perhaps it’s time to let go of past grudges.”
” This place wasn’t as eerie as I imagined—it actually felt warm.”
” Some values transcend the standard operating procedures of daily work.”
“ The warmth comes from the respect that Life Practitioners show to the deceased and the care they extend to the bereaved families.“
” The frontline work of the funeral industry should be valued and respected.”
” I didn’t know Malaysia had a Silent Mentor program.”

Life education does not offer a standardized, spoon-fed answer. Different life experiences lead to different reflections and conclusions, and that’s okay. Life is beautiful because of its diversity. May everyone carry the warmth of this experience forward, continue exploring life, and nourish their own journey.