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Cherishing Encounters and Appreciating Each Other: The Impact of One Life on Another

Cherishing Encounters and Appreciating Each Other: The Impact of One Life on Another

When the Life Education tour ended, the class leader led all the students to stand, salute, and express their gratitude. The Life Practitioners and the Life Education Promotion Team were deeply moved. Perhaps having “faced death” throughout the tour, they have come to understand the importance of cherishing encounters and appreciating each other.

The teachers and students from JB Foon Yew High School, who travelled at 4:00am for a 5 – 6 hour drive to Xiao En Memorial Park and Xiao En Centre, embarked on an extraordinary journey of ” The Impact of One Life on Another.” Your gratitude and insights recorded in the feedback forms are our greatest motivation to move forward.

“There are many professions silently contributing in places we can’t see.”
“If I hadn’t come, I might have never had any concept of body preservation after death.”
“Surprised that the cemetery could be so pleasant, allowing future generations to reminisce peacefully.”
“Being able to walk through life and death is a blessing because not everyone can.”
“Feeling life in motion, knowing that it does not end with death.”
“I’m Impressed to hear that ‘Life and death are not necessarily opposing; there is also a harmonious aspect.'”
“I admire the silent mentors who donated their bodies, continuing to contribute to the world even after death.”
“While respectfully bidding farewell to the deceased, we also thank the counsellors for caring for the emotions of the living.”
“Thank you, Life Practitioners, for your decency and consideration in respectfully sending off the deceased on their final journey.”

Xiao En Funeral Services will continue to dedicate ourselves fully, moving forward.