As graduation nears, the atmosphere is heavy with farewell, the senior students of Tsun Jin High School had the opportunity to embark on a life education journey before graduation. Through experiential learning that embraces life by reflecting on death, they came to appreciate the preciousness of the present and sought to create lasting memories with classmates, strengthening their bonds in the remaining days of their high school journey.
“With graduation approaching, I deeply cherish this outdoor learning experience with my entire class.”
“I feel fortunate to have learned, while there’s still time, to treasure the moments with family and friends.”
“Together, we can create beautiful memories and build meaningful connections.”
“Seeing the diversity of life makes it shine even brighter.”
“The silent mentor’s spirit is truly noble.”
“Witnessing cremators arrange ashes in anatomical order touched me deeply with their reverence for life.”
“I felt the work of Life Practitioners carries the meaning of love, care, and companionship.”
“Every act of kindness and gentleness reminds me of the warmth of life.”
It is heartening that the students’ reflections extended beyond the tangible aspects of facilities or technical skills. Life education is not about spoon-feeding answers or providing a definitive guide to life. Instead, it leads students to contemplate and reflect on the brilliance of life through the lens of mortality.
May the students carry this newfound appreciation for “cherishment” as they continue to explore the journey of life.