Slowing Down: Understanding the Continuity of Life, Funeral Services, and Beyond

Slowing Down: Understanding the Continuity of Life, Funeral Services, and Beyond

We all work in the same life space, performing our duties at a fast pace, making everything at Xiao En Centre seem almost routine and expected.

After organizing numerous life education events for external groups, we finally had the opportunity to turn our focus inwards to our colleagues at Xiao En. They have voluntarily signed up, setting aside their regular duties to cross-departmentally gain a heartfelt understanding of funeral rites and services. They also reconnect with the life space that is Xiao En Centre, and the warmth of human connection that underpins it.

“I didn’t realize Xiao En Centre had a space supporting the silent mentors’ body donation program.”
“The floor-to-ceiling windows at Xiao En Centre are designed are designed to allow natural light to flow, helping to regulate emotions.”
“For the first time, I felt the care put into counselling and guidance, creating a dynamic lifeline on the farewell journey.”
“It has also allowed me to appreciate the efforts put in by colleagues across different departments.”
“Through the experience of embracing mortality, I gained a deeper understanding of myself and learned to cherish the present.”

The beauty of life lies in the way we illuminate one another. Within this life space, as we serve others, we also find the energy to heal ourselves.