Sin Chew Cadet Reporter East Coast Malaysia: Cultivating a Sense of Life through Embracing Mortality

Sin Chew Cadet Reporter East Coast Malaysia: Cultivating a Sense of Life through Embracing Mortality

“The student journalist team from Sin Chew Cadet Reporter East Coast Malaysia publication have independently chosen this rather unconventional angle to develop their content writing and editing skills.

‘The topic of life and death can help expand my writing subject matter,’ said one student.
‘I hope to gain an understanding of life that goes beyond just what we learn in biology class,’ commented another.
‘I want to approach the meaning of life from different perspectives,’ explained a third student.”

These young journalists possess keen observational skills and high expectations for life education. They are well-prepared, equipped with their phones to start recording audio and taking photos. The life practitioners have now become the interviewees themselves. Throughout the process, the students are focused on the content and details.

“I didn’t expect the topic of life and death to be necessarily heavy and dull, it can also have new interpretations.”
“Respecting life, what comes before and after is equally important. Cherishing the time spent with family is precious.”
“A wise and eloquent teacher, who demonstrated their expertise with practical experience, has deeply moved me.”
“Looking at life through the lens of death is not just about not fearing death, but more importantly, about living well.”

While the publication’s content may have become more extensive, we also hope that the student journalists will adopt a ‘cherish the moment’ outlook on life. Through sharing their own insights and reflections, they can inspire readers and society.